Wednesday, March 31, 2010

15 Hours and counting...

Ok guys , so I had my bachelor party last night and it was sick... We went go-cart racing and played arcade games and bumper boats, then we went to salt lake for some pizza around midnight, then X-box until about 2:30 am. Overall, sick party with a few of my homies. TOMORROW I GET MARRIED!!!! The ceremony is at 1pm and it is supposed to SNOW! Great... oh well, whatever happens we will have to roll with it. ;) Im going to have a hard time sleeping tonight...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

1 WEEK!!

I can't believe its almost here!! Just one more week until I will be a married women! This has been going way faster then I expected. So a few new updates. First of all Brett and I got an apartment! Its called Hidden Meadow and its just a bunch of four plex's. We have everything pretty much moved in so its already starting to feel like a home. I just wish I didn't have to leave it every night.. But that will change soon :) We also got almost all of the little preparations done so things are coming together pretty smoothly. Me and a couple of my roomies are going to get brazilian waxings done on saturday. I'm pretty excited and nervous at the same time. I hear it hurts pretty bad the first time. Also my Cousin Chloe is throwing me a little bachlorette get together with my close friends and cousins. I'm pretty excited about it. Well there are a couple of things still on my list to do.. I need to get all Brett and I's baby pictures together and given to the videographer. Also We need to choose songs to dance too, And need to get the sign in table ready to go. I finally got my new guest book back. Still not exactly perfect.. Instead of the pictures being printed on hard back it printed it on a sleeve... But at least there is a picture on the cover.. so that good. Also my family come in on Tuesday so I'm pretty excited about that. :) I hate not being around them. well as far as the apartment goes I will post pictures as soon as I can!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

2 Weeks!!!

here's an oldie!
Can you believe it?! Its only two weeks until I'm Mrs. Woffinden! I can't believe it is actually happening. There have been plenty of times in Brett and I's relationship were I thought the day would never come... And now it is! I'm so excited and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. I love him so much! Well Brett and I have gotten a few things done. We got our marriage license on monday which was 50 freakin bucks! can you believe that?? We also have started looking at pictures to put in our wedding video. I received my guest book that I made online with Brett and I's pictures we have taken. But, the cover that was suppose to have a picture of Brett and I on it was not on there. Instead its just a black page! But don't worry the back has a picture on it like its suppose too... ugh I was really upset and when I tried to call them I found out that they don't have a number to call.. you just have to email them and wait for their response.. I only have two weeks till the wedding and now I don't know if I'm going to have a guest book.. Its so aggravating. But besides that everything has been pretty smooth. Brett and I are still trying to find a place to go on a honeymoon and as of right now we are leaning more towards orlando! I think It would be a lot of fun. well I have a lot to do today! Hopefully things get done and the day we get married goes smoothly!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just Sitting Here At Work

Well, its Thursday March 11th, and I am counting down the days until Tara and I are married! 20 days !!! I just wanted to give a shout out to the best girl in the world, my baby Tara! I love her so much and cannot wait to spend every day with her!!! She is going to be the best mother and wife!

Ok, well this message is really for Tara I just wanted to say how much I love her, and am grateful for her!!! Love ya BABY!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Wedding is almost here!!

So there is only 3 1/2 weeks left till the big day! It has been going by so fast. I sure hope that I will be able to get everything done on time. Well we finally got the announcements all sent out.. boy was that a bigger task than I expected it to be. But Brett's family was kind enough to help stuff and label them all. Yes even the boys helped out. Thanks jeff,blake,brett,and kurt. And a huge thanks to Julie, Kelli, and Krista! I could not have done that on my own. We also went to the mall yesterday and got ties at tie on for all the men in the wedding. We got a few different ties to change it up a little. So all thats left to do are all the little important stuff. Like get our marriage license, and figuring out what is going to be served at the wedding, getting our temple cloths, doing everyones hair so they look amazing in all the pictures! and much much more. Today I'm going with Linda my flower lady to the Sun River Garden to meet with the wedding lady and talk about what we are expecting. So I hope all goes well. Sorry all my post are about boring wedding stuff but thats pretty much all thats going on in my life. haha. well I will keep you updated on my wedding plans. :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Yay! So only 4 more weeks until Brett and I are married!! I can't wait! Its not coming fast enough. So things are starting to come together. I went with Brett's Wonderfully Awesome sister Krista yesterday to get the pictures printed for our announcements from costco. They turned out really good. :) We ended up choosing 5 different pictures, which I think will make the announcements a little bit more fun and unique. Well me and Krista started stuffing announcements when we realized there weren't any more reception inserts. So I call the lady who made them and now have to go all the way back to Riverton to get more. Its a little annoying she didn't tell me that only 120 comes with the packaged deal. I have 500 announcements... Why would I only invite 120 People to the Reception?? So at least she is making them for free for us. Today I'm going to with Brett's mom to look at another caterer and then going up to the Lion House to check out the table decorations and linens.! It will be a good day. Hopefully we get the announcements done on time!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ok here some potential engagement picture ideas to use with the announcement card. I'm going to send a seperate picture with the announcement. I was thinking maybe choosing two or three to send to mix it up a little. Which ones do you think would be the best?? Hopefully it will let people comment now.
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Ok so I fixed the comment problem. I had it blocked for registered bloggers only. So I fixed it, so anyone can comment. Hope you guys do. :)